
Courses tagged with "Europe"

Clinical Evaluation Upgrade to MDR

Clinical Evaluation 2020
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  79  USD
Time: 39 minutes

Is your Clinical Evaluation ready for the MDR? Discover Meditrial e-learning and avoid delays for market access. Meditrial will guide you with easy steps. Learn at your own pace and reach your goals!
After the course, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!
Version: 01
Release Date: 17 February 2020

Limited to Meditrial CRO Customers

Category: Clinical Trials
Version: 01
Release Date: 19 February 2020

Limited to Meditrial CRO Customers

Category: Clinical Trials
Version: 01
Release Date: 20 February 2020

Limited to Meditrial CRO Customers

Category: Clinical Trials
Version: 01
Release Date: 26 November 2019


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD
The purpose of this tutorial is to analyze the MDR provisions for adverse events recording and reporting to Competent Authorities. The topics addressed are: MDR references, Relevant definitions, Sponsor obligations in case of adverse events occurring during the clinical investigation and Regulatory comparison: MDD vs MDR.
Length: 00:15


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD
This tutorial aims to provide an overview of the MDR provisions related to the end of the clinical investigation, along with an outline of the MDR rules concerning the extraordinary events which could happen during the clinical investigation (substantial modifications, corrective measures, temporary halt, early termination).
Length: 00:15


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD
Learn the new MDR rules for study application and approval process. The coordinated assessment procedure will streamline clinical investigations conducted in more than one EU Members State.
Length: 00:20


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD
This lecture investigates the new Medical Device Regulation (MDR) with regard to conditions, ethical principles, methods and informed consent process. The intent of this tutorial is to describe the conditions for carrying out clinical investigations and to outline the rules laid down by MDR for particular clinical investigation types.
Length: 00:20
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  1074  USD
This course will help you to discover new definitions and types of trials as well as the main actors involved, specifically sponsor, investigator and subject. You will also learn about conditions, ethical principles, methods and the informed consent process and develop a better understanding of the new coordinated assessment. You will also gain key knowledge regarding substantial changes, temporary halt, and termination as well as adverse event reporting.
Length: 02:00


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD
Learn the new definitions and types of trials contained in the MDR, understand when investigations are not required and much more.
Length: 00:20


Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD

This course presents an overview of the "actors" within the scope of the new MDR, namely the sponsors, investigators, and subjects. Learn all you need to know about how these "actors" play a significant role within the new MDR.

After the course, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!

Length: 00:15
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD

This recorded lecture, given by Charisse Green, Global Quality Expert, will help you discover the fundamental concepts of global quality for medical devices and clinical trials. She brings to you her professional perspective which stems from her extensive background as an FDA inspector.

Length: 00:20

Stiamo attraversando la fase 2, ma la fase 3, la fase della Consapevolezza della Nuova Normalità, sarà quella decisiva per molti aspetti, per il lavoro, l'economia, la salvaguardia della salute, la sicurezza. Inizia a farsi chiaro che sono e saranno molteplici le insidie nell'ambito della mental health che i nuovi scenari stanno già sollecitando oggi. Parleremo di come prepararci ad affrontare questa fase.

Category: Covid-19
Length: 01:00
Version: 01
Release Date: 2 June 2020
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD

Video Lecture

Time: 15 Minutes

The shortage of personal protective devices has endangered countless lives of healthcare operators working in COVID-19 treatment facilities. This is a widespread and prevalent issue worldwide. 

After the course, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!

Category: Covid-19

Southern Europe Market Access

Europe Market Access
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
Level: All Levels 
Time: 15 Minutes

This tutorial intends to provide the requirements for placing CE-marked Medical Devices on the European market according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR).
Version: 01
Release Date: 29 April 2020

Eastern Europe Market Access

Europe Market Access
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
Level: All Levels
Time: 15 minutes

This tutorial intends to provide the requirements for placing CE-marked Medical Devices on the European market according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR).
Version: 01
Release Date: 29 April 2020

Western Europe Market Access

Europe Market Access
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
Level: All Levels
Time: 15 minutes

This tutorial intends to provide the requirements for placing CE-marked Medical Devices on the European market according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR).
Version: 01
Release Date: 29 April 2020

Northern Europe Market Access

Europe Market Access
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
Level: All Levels
Time: 15 minutes

This tutorial intends to provide the requirements for placing CE-marked Medical Devices on the European market according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR).
Version: 01
Release Date: 29 April 2020

FDA Medical Device Development Tools (MDDT) Program

FDA Medical Device Regulation for Everyone
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
This recorded lecture, given by Charisse Green, Global Quality Expert, will help you discover the Medical Device Development Tools Program, this program is a way for the FDA to qualify tools that medical device sponsors can use in the development and evaluation of medical devices.
Length: 00:20
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
This recorded lecture, given by Charisse Green, Global Quality Expert, will help you discover the monitoring essential guidelines for medical devices in the US. She brings to you her professional perspective which stems from her extensive background as an FDA inspector.
Length: 00:10
What is GDPR?
When is it applicable?
Fines for Non-Compliance
GDPR and Clinical Trials
How to comply, practical approach

Category: GDPR
Length: 00:10
Version: 01
Release Date: 18 April 2020
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD


Compliance with the new general data protection regulation (GDPR): the present course explains about EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) issued by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the EU. The processing of personal data related to EU subjects for the purpose of clinical trials falls within the scope of the GDPR.

Category: GDPR
Version: 01
Release Date: 18 April 2020

MDR/MPDG Update Course - Online

Medical Device Clinical Trials in Germany - MPG CME Certified Courses
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  350  EUR

Der Update-Kurs richtet sich an Hauptprüfer, Prüfärzte und Studienpersonal in klinischen Prüfungen, die ein gültiges MPG-Zertifikat besitzen und die Teilnahme an klinischen Prüfungen unter der neuen EU-Medizinprodukteverordnung und der ISO 14155:2020 beginnen oder fortsetzen wollen.

Der Schwerpunkt des Kurses liegt darin, Sie mit den wichtigsten Änderungen, die sich mit Einführung der EU-Verordnung 2017/745, dem MPDG und der ISO 14155:2020 ergeben, vertraut zu machen.

Version: 1.0

MPG Auffrischungskurs - Onlinekurs

Medical Device Clinical Trials in Germany - MPG CME Certified Courses
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  400  EUR

Der Auffrischungskurs richtet sich an Hauptprüfer und Prüfer bei klinischen Prüfungen, die bereits einen MPG Grundlagenkurs absolviert haben, jedoch über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren keine aktive Beteiligung an klinschen Prüfungen nachweisen können.

Inhouse-Schulungen oder Live-Webinar auf Anfrage.
Sind Sie interessiert?

MPG Refresher 2

Version: 1.0

10. Privacy, GDPR e Medical Device

Medical Device Revolution
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD

Meditrial presenta un corso di alta formazione in ricerca clinica sui dispositivi medici: Medical Device Revolution promosso da Formazione del Farmaceutico.

Con la nuova Normativa MDR il mondo dello sviluppo clinico dei dispositivi medici subirà una rivoluzione! Con il Corso "Medical Device Revolution" vogliamo aiutarti ad affrontare questa rivoluzione in maniera più consapevole.

Il corso è coordinato dalla Dott.ssa Monica Tocchi, CMO e Founder della CRO Meditrial, coinvolta in prima persona nel panel di esperti che hanno aggiornato la ISO 14155:2020.

In Vitro Medical Device Regulation Roadmap (IVDR)

New In Vitro Device Regulation (IVDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD
This course describes general principles and gives practical advices on how to plan and prepare for the IVDR.
In this course, we will cover all the necessary regulatory references. We will discuss in details an article 56 of IVDR. Moreover, you will learn about general safety and performance requirements. We will also explain what is the performance evaluation and step by step we will guide you through its components. At the end, we will highlight your periodic deliverables so you will be aware on what and when needs to be updated.
Length: 00:20

European IVDR Masterclass

New In Vitro Device Regulation (IVDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  79  USD
This lecture presents the roadmap of the new European regulation for in vitro diagnostic medical devices and provides an orientation to navigate all the key changes. Learn all you need to know for a successful transition to the new legislative framework. Easy guidelines are provided to get ready on time!
Length: 01:00
Version: 01
Release Date: 12 May 2020

Medical Device Day

New Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Viaggio nel mondo delle Tecnologie Medicali e Digital Health.
L’Università degli Studi di Roma Tre e Meditrial presentano una giornata dedicata al mondo dei Medical Device all’interno del Master Sociosanitario. Le testimonianze di esperti, protagonisti nel settore sanitario, socio-sanitario e socio-educativo, racconteranno l’evoluzione del panorama globale in ambito MDR a livello clinico e regolatorio.
Length: 06:00


New Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  179  USD

With the new Medical Device Regulation now in force as of 26 May 2021, Meditrial has organized this live event reserved for our customers and partners, to help you understand what changes impact you and manage the transition for ongoing and new clinical trials.

"Meditrial has been preparing for the MDR for 3 years. Alignment with our customers is key to our joint success. We believe that sharing our learnings with you will facilitate understanding and handling the changes together. With this course, we wish to provide you practical information and answers for your MDR compliance."
Dr. Monica Tocchi
Length: 01:30
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD

This course presents an overview of the new European regulation for medical devices and provides key information regarding new changes within the MDR. Learn all you need to know for a successful transition to the new legislative framework.

After the course, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!

Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD

This video course presents the European Database for Medical Device and in vitro diagnostic device and provides key information in order to become familiar with the new electronic system for data storage. Learn all you need to know regarding the new Electronic database system.


New Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  49  USD

This lecture presents the new European regulation for medical devices and provides an easy to learn overview of all the key changes. Learn all you need to know for a successful transition to the new legislative framework.

Length: 00:30

Medical Device Regulation Roadmap And Orientation

New Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  79  USD


Time: 58 minutes

This lecture presents the roadmap of the new European regulation for medical devices and provides an orientation to navigate all the key changes. Learn all you need to know for a successful transition to the new legislative framework.

After the course, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!

Version: 01
Release Date: 15 February 2020

MDR Fundamentals

New Medical Device Regulation (MDR)
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  79  USD

Welcome to the Meditrial MDR Fundamentals. In three easy VIDEO-COURSES, you will learn all the essential information regarding the MDR changes and the new procedures for Clinical Evaluation and clinical trials, including a learning module on the new standard 14155. Get ready to learn all you need to know on the new European regulation for medical devices. After the courses, you can take a brief test to receive your certification. Enjoy!

Show Topics

Version: 01
Release Date: 16 February 2020
This course focuses on explaining the current PV regulation and guidance.
You will understand the European regulation, familiarize with the general terms, and learn the mandatory data elements necessary for the electronic submission of safety information on medicinal products.

In response to the global need for training in pharmacovigilance and the regulation changes in Europe, Meditrial has developed a series of e-learning courses covering different aspects of the science of medicines safety.

Meditrial’s e-learning courses take a micro-learning approach, with short, concise lessons connected to clear learning objectives. Most courses are taught in English, with subtitles in English. Courses are also available in other languages such as German, Italian and Chinese. Upon completing a course, you will take a final test to receive a digital certificate that can be printed.

The broad collection of self-paced e-learning courses is suitable to health professionals with an interest in pharmacovigilance. Courses are made available free of charge to those working at pharmacovigilance centres or in the public sector (hospitals, pharmacies, academia etc.). For those working at for-profit organisations or companies (pharmaceutical companies, contract research organisations etc.), the courses will be made available for a fee. Please visit our e-learning platform to enrol and learn more about the course content.

Length: 00:10

In response to the global need for training in pharmacovigilance and the regulation changes in Europe, Meditrial has developed a series of e-learning courses covering different aspects of the science of medicines safety.

Meditrial’s e-learning courses take a micro-learning approach, with short, concise lessons connected to clear learning objectives. Most courses are taught in English, with subtitles in English. Courses are also available in other languages such as German, Italian and Chinese. Upon completing a course, you will take a final test to receive a digital certificate that can be printed.

The broad collection of self-paced e-learning courses is suitable to health professionals with an interest in pharmacovigilance. Courses are made available free of charge to those working at pharmacovigilance centres or in the public sector (hospitals, pharmacies, academia etc.). For those working at for-profit organisations or companies (pharmaceutical companies, contract research organisations etc.), the courses will be made available for a fee. Please visit our e-learning platform to enrol and learn more about the course content.

Length: 00:20
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD
Discover the world of innovation and medical standards made easy, learn about the brand new ISO 22679 draft standard for cardiac occluders.


Length: 00:30
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD
Discover the world of innovation and medical standards made easy, learn about the brand new ISO 22679 draft standard for cardiac occluders.


Length: 00:30

Lesson 1 - Introduction to ISO 22679

Product Guidelines and Standards
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  99  USD
Discover the world of innovation and medical standards made easy, learn about the brand new ISO 22679 draft standard for cardiac occluders.


Length: 00:30
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  282.15  USD
Discover the world of innovation and medical standards made easy, learn about the brand new ISO 22679 draft standard for cardiac occluders.


Length: 01:00
Duration:  Unlimited
Cost:  149  USD

How to run a startup successfully? The success of your business depends on the mix of innovative ideas and skilled board members. This video course will offer you a 10-Step Guide to quickly understand what you need to do to accomplish your goals and achieve the business targets for your MedTech company.